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Large works include paintings 28" x 28" and larger. These are created in the studio and often include layering and built up surfaces... I often think of these as "sculptures in paint".
Large works include paintings 28" x 28" and larger. These are created in the studio and often include layering and built up surfaces... I often think of these as "sculptures in paint".
24 x 44 inches
oil on linen panel
mockingbird gallery
c. kirkegaard frames
black walnut frame
hand-carved moon gold liner
moon's nest
39 x 19 inches
oil on canvas panel
artist studio
moon's nest
c. kirkegaard frames
tabernacle frame
moon gold details
dusk, tomalas bay
24 x 48 inches
oil on canvas panel
artist collection
dusk, tomalas bay
c. kirkegaard frames
hudson profile
tomalas variation
22k liner